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What’s Causing Tooth Sensitivity with My Dental Implant?

January 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drlee @ 4:55 pm

tooth sensitivityWhen drinking your morning cup of coffee or biting into an ice cream cone, do you feel a twinge of pain? Although you might expect it to occur with a problematic tooth, you never thought you would experience sensitivity with your dental implant. How is it possible since it isn’t a real tooth? Believe it or not, it can happen. While it may not seem alarming at first, it can be a sign of a large problem that could lead to implant failure. Your dentist will find the cause of your dental implant tooth sensitivity in Cambridge to stop your pain and save your smile.

Why am I having tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem for people as they age because the enamel naturally thins, exposing your dentin to outside elements, like heat and cold. Besides age, untreated oral health issues, like tooth decay or gum disease can also lead to the pain.

After treating a lost tooth with a dental implant, the last thing you expect to experience is sensitivity since it isn’t connected to your nerve or ligaments. Unfortunately, if you develop discomfort that feels like tooth sensitivity, it’s a sign your dental implant is failing. Don’t worry, your implant dentist in Cambridge can provide the intervention you need to stop your pain.

Why is my dental implant failing?

Dental implants in Cambridge are the most successful solution to treat tooth loss, so you never expect them to fail, but it can occur in rare situations. Tooth sensitivity can be a leading sign of implant failure, which can be the result of:

Excess Dental Cement

Too much dental cement on your restoration can irritation the gum tissue. Over time, this can lead to an infection. Your dentist can remove the excess cement to stop your pain and save your smile.

Bone Loss

The long-term success of your dental implant relies on your jawbone supporting it for many years to come. Unfortunately, if you don’t have adequate bone density to support the post, your jaw will dissolve, and your implant will fail. If your sensitivity is caused by bone loss, your dental implant will need to be removed. Your dentist can enhance the thickness of your jaw with bone grafting. After your jaw heals, you can have a new dental implant placed to restore your smile.


The biggest threat to your new smile is a preventable infection called peri-implantitis. It’s caused by plaque and tartar accumulations. Your dentist can perform a deep cleaning to stop the infection from progressing to save your smile from dental implant failure.

Protect Your Investment

If you develop any pain or sensitivity, don’t wait until it’s too late to visit your dentist. Quick intervention can save your smile from dental implant failure.

About Dr. Jeff Lee

Dr. Jeff Lee has completed extensive training in advanced oral health issues, including complex cases of tooth loss. He can replace your missing teeth with dental implants to successfully rebuild your smile. If you’re ready to restore a healthy, functional smile, contact our office today for a consultation.

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