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Facial Trauma Treatment in Marietta

Experiencing severe facial injury can be a distressing experience, causing both physical and emotional trauma. Dr. Jeff Lee and his dedicated staff provide specialized and transformative care during this trying time. We work with general dentists, orthodontists, endodontists, and other specialists to help you recover from your injury and experience results that benefit long-term oral function and appearance. If you’re in need of emergency assistance, don’t hesitate – contact Muskingum Valley Oral Surgery today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee.

Significant facial injuries occur for a variety of reasons, including violence, sports injuries, vehicular collisions, and falls. We provide assistance with the following:

  • Avulsed (Knocked Out) Tooth
  • Facial or Intraoral Lacerations
  • Fractured Cheek, Nose, Eye Socket, Or Other Facial Areas
  • Fractured Upper Or Lower Jaw

Tooth Injuries

If one or more of your teeth have been dislodged, time is truly of the essence. The sooner Dr. Lee or your general dentist re-inserts the tooth into its original socket, the greater your chances are of making a full recovery. Our team may recommend splinting as a possible solution for displaced teeth and/or surrounding structures that have been damaged. This treatment involves oral stabilization by bonding teeth together. If the tooth or teeth can’t be successfully reattached, we discuss the possibility of dental implant restorations, a healthy and aesthetically pleasing reconstructive solution.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Dr. Lee corrects facial lacerations with suturing. Patients rest easy knowing we always take cosmetic results into account, and will do everything we can to create results that look natural.

Bone Injuries

Experiencing a fractured bone in the face is similar to experiencing a broken bone anywhere else in the body. Your arm or leg would be placed in a cast to help stabilize the injury and allow it to properly heal, and Dr. Lee provides the same environment for your facial bone using different methods. This could involve wiring the jaws together or surgically placing screws and plates over the affected area. Our team at Muskingum Valley Oral Surgery will do our utmost to keep your facial appearance unchanged, and only the fewest incisions are made strategically placed so potential scars are hidden.